Divorce decisions usually keep individual’s mind and thought process uncontrollable. Many turn to friends and family to discuss their feelings resulting from the divorce process. The problem that may occur is that when attempting to process these emotions by discussing them with family and friends, the advice they give may be biased toward you because they love you and don’t want to see you hurt. This may not be wise if considering the entire equation. Another problem that may arise is friends and loved ones often get annoyed by the same story told in a different manner every other day. It is healthy to discuss your feelings about divorce, your future and how you are coping. Journaling could be the solution to processing your feelings rather than relying on family and friends. Journaling may be viewed as insignificant because there is no feedback, but to many individuals it is a life altering tool that once the divorce is final, journaling never stops as it may become a therapeutic tool to aid mentally throughout life. In order to use journaling as a tool to process your feelings, you must define what it is and the benefits of using this tool during and after the divorce process.
Journaling is the art of writing that explores your feelings and thoughts about certain events, in this case, your divorce. It is equivalent to what you would tell your friends and family but there is no feedback. Often the repetition of telling your story is a means of processing what is occurring in your life and venting your emotions is a way to adapt to the events in a healthy manner. Exploring healthy means of processing events is necessary through transitions of life as it is unhealthy when someone allows emotions to be bottled inside until they explode with emotions because they did not process them along the way.
Journaling allows exploration of events which have evoked emotions. Writing about your feelings rather than verbalizing your thoughts and contemplating by brainstorming how you will handle life events may be accomplished by daily journaling.
A journal can be any notebook or a special book specifically labeled Journal. Many find it helpful to keep their journal with them at all times and when they encounter an event that evokes much intensity they may use their journal to process the event.
The positive aspects of journaling:
- Journaling allows the ability to write about your feelings over and over by processing them until you find acceptance of them. This may offer therapeutic assistance through the event.
- A person can be honest by journaling as no one will know how you feel except the pad and paper and you will not hear any judgmental responses.
- Writing may help one to understand their surroundings, daily occurrences, and knowledge of adjusting and brings about self-awareness.
- Journaling may reduce worrying and restless nights because feelings have been processed in a healthy manner.
- Journaling can be accomplished anywhere at any given time. One suggestion is to allow a certain amount of time each day to process your thoughts about the events of that day. This healthy process may provide relief for your body and mind.
- Write, write, write…. Write about anything and everything that is on your mind. Journaling is talking to your paper, processing your day, events and feelings. The great aspect of journaling is that no one’s feelings are hurt, you do not regret telling someone what you thought about a problem and later wonder what they think about you. Through journaling, your feelings and secrets are safe without judgement.
- Keep your journal in a safe place. Due to the fact that you can be honest and not judged by anyone for your thoughts, you certainly do not want someone thumbing through the pages of your personal journal.
So, begin a healthy process of handling your thoughts and emotions. Do not have another restless night worrying about the events of the day. Write in your journal and when you close the journal this then signals that this closes your mind. You can think about it again when it is journaling time but not until.
Divorce Tool Box is aware of the relentless thoughts and emotions that individuals experience as they travel through divorce. Visit our site to see how we may assist you through this journey at www.divorcetoolbox.online.