Preparing for Divorce in Roswell GA


Preparing For Divorce in Roswell, GA

Are you thinking about divorce and live in Roswell, Georgia?  If so, allow Divorce Tool Box to provide you the divorce help and support while you begin preparing for divorce and the many decisions and stages that accompany.  Our professional web-based video series provide practical advice that will guide you step-by-step through the divorce process in the state of Georgia.

Be Confident That Divorce is Inevitable before Beginning Proceedings

Divorce is a life altering event and can take its toll both emotionally and financially.  Making such an important decision is not easy nor should it be made in haste.  Before preparing for divorce, make sure that all possibilities of marital restoration has been exhausted and have had an opportunity to review how divorce will affect you and your family.  Some people choose to use counseling as a resource to help them during this process to reduce stress and help with decision making.  Counseling is not a legal precursor to divorce in Georgia, although some states require it.

How to Start the Divorce Process in Roswell, Georgia

When filing for divorce in Georgia, you must meet the state residency requirement.  To meet that requirement, one spouse must have been a resident for at least six months.  In order to establish residency you may obtain a drivers license, tenancy agreement or voting registration card.  

If you file pro-se by representing yourself, you will need to obtain and file the necessary paperwork required.  This paperwork/forms can usually be obtained in the clerk’s office and/or the family law division. Make sure to ask questions if uncertain of how to complete as mistakes can prove to become costly.   

When completing the paperwork whether filing pro-se or you have hired a lawyer, important personal information and documents will need to be gathered in order to make informed decisions.  This can be an overwhelming task, so when you have gathered the needed information and completed the forms, be sure to make duplicate copies to store away from the marital home.  During such a stressful time as divorce, you may find yourself emotionally and mentally overwhelmed and not as organized as you usually are.  Having additional copies of your completed paperwork when preparing for divorce may prove to be invaluable as you move forward.

Will You Require a Lawyer?

If you and your spouse are successful in making decisions together and can reach an agreement or even a partial agreement, then you may decide to use a mediator.  Using a mediator may save you both time and money as you move through the divorce process.  If you are not able to agree on all facets of your divorce or you have a spouse who is unwilling to work toward resolution, seeking a local attorney will be necessary.  

Researching local family law firms and asking divorced friends/colleagues for divorce lawyer references may be helpful when searching for a professional to assist you.  This professional will need to be someone with whom you feel is qualified and easily approachable.  Divorce is personal and many personal details will be shared with this lawyer so be confident with your decision.

Planning for Divorce in Roswell, Georgia

One stress reduction aspect of divorce in Georgia is that there is a “no-fault” option.  Ultimately, this means that when choosing to file as a “no fault” divorce, there is no need to accuse the other spouse of any wrongdoing.  This can often be less stressful and without the need to bring about more chaos in an already difficult process.  Most divorces filed in Georgia are filed as “no-fault”.  To file for a “no-fault” divorce, one party must admit that the marriage is irretrievable broken.  

In Georgia, if both parties reach an agreement together and file uncontested, the divorce can be finalized in thirty-one days from the date that it is filed.  If filed contested, this usually adds to the length and cost of the divorce as it becomes a more complex process.

Divorce with Kids in Roswell, Ga

Your kids are the most precious possessions resulting from your marriage, therefore, making decisions for their lives now and for the years ahead is vital.  This will require careful preparing for divorce on your part and thoughtful consideration to their needs as they mature.  Many decisions must be made such as custody, dividing parental time with the kids, meeting their needs across two homes and how to successfully co-parent. 

Even if your marital home wasn’t harmonious for quite a while, divorce may come as a shock to your children.  When preparing for divorce, the biggest challenge will be how to tell the children.  This will require much thoughtful planning while creating stability during this life changing event. 

Effectively planning for their future, how you will effectively co-parent your children and remain flexible considering everyone’s needs is a must.  Divorce Tool Box, offers two programs to accommodate any situation: Divorcing with Children and Divorcing without Children.

Divorce Advice for Men and Women

At Divorce Tool Box, we understand that divorce will be difficult for all involved.  We offer divorce help for men and divorce help for women for this very reason.  We offer valuable tips on how to take care of yourself in our Focus of You session. We help you to evaluate what your needs are, meeting your emotional and physical needs and how to re-join life as a single. 

Preparing for divorce requires that living arrangements must be considered.  Will you keep the marital home, sell it and divide the equitable value or will you move from the home?  Taking the time to explore your options to make an informed decision concerning your living arrangements and finances is necessary.  

No matter how much preparing for divorce you accomplish, divorce can be difficult.

Take the needed time to make informed decisions, establish a support system with family and friends and keep things amicable with your spouse as much as possible.

If you are located in Roswell, Georgia and are searching for divorce tips, advice or resources, learn how Divorce Tool Box can help you today.  Let our web-based videos help you during this emotional time to be prepared for what the future holds.