Divorced Parents and Graduation

Divorced parents and graduation

It’s that time of the year when everywhere you look there are caps and gowns of all colors and sizes. Graduation is a time when recognition of accomplishments is expected and a time of excitement of a chapter of life closing and another beginning. This time of year graduation may encompass all ages from those completing kindergarten, middle school,…

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Children of Divorce Remembering Mother’s Day

Divorcing with kids remember mothers day

Happy Mother’s Day! Being a mother is an awesome responsibility with so many wonderful rewards. A mother’s role is that of love, nurture and the multiple responsibilities of ensuring that all needs are met for everyone. When facing divorce, these roles often multiply as mom must now take on the responsibilities of both parents when solo parenting. Oftentimes, the…

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A Mental Vacation from Divorce

Divorce process take mental vacation

Individuals often experience a rollercoaster of emotions during the divorce process. These emotions must be effectively managed in addition to juggling the challenges and new responsibilities of divorce. Due to increasing divorce demands both emotionally and physically that creates the daily emotional rollercoaster, the need to take a “mental vacation” may be necessary in order to maintain both physical…

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Tips to Reduce Stress During Divorce

The divorce process and stress

The divorce process often creates much uncertainty that can manifest itself as stress. When a couple divorces, many changes occur that require action of both spouses. The changes are often seen as the sources of stress that one must find workable coping skills to use through the divorce process. Learning to recognize that stress is a common occurrence when…

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Increasing Physical Exercise When Having Child Custody.

Kids and divorce staying healthy

Divorced parents who have custody of children are very busy meeting the children’s needs while single parenting. There are so many tasks to complete that it seems to not be enough time in a day to accomplish all of the daily requirements. The custodial parent can become exhausted with the additional tasks while making sure that the needs of…

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Vacation and Co-Parenting after Divorce

Co parenting after divorce family vacations

When a couple divorces, the family will face many changes and when children are involved, they too are affected. One change as a result of divorce will be that of the family vacation.   Vacation considerations should be taken into consideration and how it will affect the children’s well-being and the parental relationship of co-parenting.  Single parenting and vacations…

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Divorce Tool Box Aims to Reduce Conflict and Stress Symptoms

Divorce help reduce stress

Divorce Tool Box aims to help divorcing couples resolve their conflicts before extended, highly-emotional legal battles can inflict such stress that violence and abuse result —which is known to involve spouses, ex-spouses, and their children. Incidents in Pittsburgh and Fort Lauderdale of violent attacks during or after divorce hearings, and a national study on child abuse and neglect demonstrate…

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Communication a Must in Divorce

Process of divorce using communication skills

Communication does not seem to be a factor when couples fall in love. There are many calls to say those three words…I Love You, special cards in the mail to express how each partner is feeling about the relationship and even tokens of love have written expressions of the tender feelings developing in the relationship. Communication is the key…

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Divorce Stress

Dealing with stress during divorce

No one knows the level of stress brought by divorce as well as those involved. Changes which accompany divorce create stress for the entire family and must be dealt with effectively. The following acronym identifies with the results of divorce. S………Stepping T………Towards R………Reality of E………Everyday life S………Since S………Separating from spouse When the actual separation moves form contemplating to actualization,…

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