Time Management and Single Parenting

Managing time with children after divorce

Life maybe very chaotic as parents separate, divorce and begin creating a new home life for themselves and their children. For many parents of divorce, life is often stressful dealing with time management deficiencies in attempting to find a balance between work, family, divorce and forming a new single life. A usual morning may consist of getting children ready…

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Creative Tips for Single Life and Parenting after Divorce

Parenting after divorce and dating

Divorce brings many unique challenges that require creativity especially in the area of single parenting. The marital home is usually a safe haven for all family members that establishes security. After divorce, each family member must learn to work together while building a new home life. Often times, each parent will establish new daily routines which fit into their…

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Fathers and Single Parenting 101

Divorce advice for men with children

When couples make the decision to divorce and have children, what many do not realize is that there are many changes to come.  The changes include but are not limited to changes in income, schedules, and parenting roles in addition to the responsibilities that will accompany each of these changes.  Every parent will most likely be affected by role…

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When Insecurity in Divorce is Too Much

Divorce tips dealing with insecurity

Divorce affects all family members as the family structure is changing and life adjustments are required resulting in questions and concerns. When life brings about so ma ny changes at once, insecurity of one’s life and future can become overwhelming. Insecurity can be defined different meanings by different people. Some may define it as self-doubt in one’s ability as…

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Increasing Physical Exercise When Having Child Custody.

Kids and divorce staying healthy

Divorced parents who have custody of children are very busy meeting the children’s needs while single parenting. There are so many tasks to complete that it seems to not be enough time in a day to accomplish all of the daily requirements. The custodial parent can become exhausted with the additional tasks while making sure that the needs of…

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