Happy Fourth of July

Enjoying Holidays after divorce

Experiencing divorce during holidays can create a mixed bag of emotions, leaving one to have less holiday cheer. Individuals often find themselves searching for rituals that were shared when married and now that separation/divorce has occurred, how can fireworks of happiness be ignited? Five ways to celebrate the Fourth of July holiday: 1. As one faces a holiday and…

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Proclamation Signed Promoting Child-Centered Divorce Month

Divorcing with children proclamation

Mayor Mike Schmitz of Dothan, Alabama signed a proclamation recognizing International Child Centered Divorce Month as requested by Audrey Silcox, Founder of Divorce Tool Box. International Child-Centered Divorce month promotes awareness to place children’s needs first when reaching decisions related to divorce or separation. Divorce Tool Box founder and Certified Divorce and Family Mediator, Audrey Silcox, offers tips good…

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Divorce Tool Box Prepares Breast Cancer Patients Who are Facing Divorce

Tips for Breast Cancer patients facing divorce

Divorce Tool Box aims to help breast cancer patients who are faced with divorce during their diagnosis and treatment.  A woman is six times more likely to be separated or divorced soon after a diagnosis of cancer and have less quality health and life outcomes according to study titled “Gender Disparity in the Rate of Partner Abandonment in Patients…

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Divorce Stress

Dealing with stress during divorce

No one knows the level of stress brought by divorce as well as those involved. Changes which accompany divorce create stress for the entire family and must be dealt with effectively. The following acronym identifies with the results of divorce. S………Stepping T………Towards R………Reality of E………Everyday life S………Since S………Separating from spouse When the actual separation moves form contemplating to actualization,…

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