Divorce Tool Box Offers 8 Tips to Effectively Co-Parent After Divorce

Child custody and divorce

Because January has been named International Child-Centered Divorce Month, Divorce Tool Box founder and Certified Divorce and Family Mediator Audrey Silcox offers 8 tips good for any month to help parents keep focused on their children before and after a divorce. Her extensive experience in high-conflict cases within the judicial system has shown that parents who do so are…

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Are the Children’s Best Interests Anywhere on the Radar Screen?

Divorce help keeping kids best interests

The decision to divorce when children are involved not only affect each spouse but also the children and will impact the present as well as the future for all family members. For many children, their parent’s decision to divorce will affect their life on a daily, weekly or bi-weekly manner. During divorce, children of all ages need their parents…

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Three Unhealthy Decisions Divorced Parents Make

Divorce process making healthy decisions

THE AMERICAN DREAM – Most everyone strives to achieve it. Who created the model describing the dream? Many who answer say it’s the economy, media, friends, family and other society factors which contribute to what the determining factors are for this dream. Everyone ranks the order differently but the result is usually the same. Nearly everyone envisions the white…

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Communication a Must in Divorce

Process of divorce using communication skills

Communication does not seem to be a factor when couples fall in love. There are many calls to say those three words…I Love You, special cards in the mail to express how each partner is feeling about the relationship and even tokens of love have written expressions of the tender feelings developing in the relationship. Communication is the key…

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