January is known as “Divorce Month” – Advice for those Filing for Divorce

Tips for those filing for divorce

Traditional resolutions are typically a welcome part of beginning a new year with focusing on new beginnings and self-improvement. One New Year’s resolution many make is that of unhappily-marrieds resolving in January to make this the year in which they cut their marital cords. Historically, the number of filings for divorce soar during this month, thus, January has been…

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When Parents “Skip Out” on Parenting after Divorce

Tips for parenting after divorce

Divorce is often one of life’s most challenging events not only for adults but also for children.Divorce is of  Many legal decisions must be decided such as custody, visitation and financial matters of assets and liabilities.  Changes that often accompany divorce will not only untie the “wedding knot” but also affect family members forever.  Children of divorce are the…

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Divorced Parents and Graduation

Divorced parents and graduation

It’s that time of the year when everywhere you look there are caps and gowns of all colors and sizes. Graduation is a time when recognition of accomplishments is expected and a time of excitement of a chapter of life closing and another beginning. This time of year graduation may encompass all ages from those completing kindergarten, middle school,…

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Five Considerations for Divorce and Child Custody

Co parenting after divorce

Divorce and child custody are two traumatic words that parents hope they never will hear.  Divorce itself is an emotional and traumatic event where marital assets and liabilities must be divided between spouses that were gained through marriage.  When adding the additional struggle of making decisions concerning child custody, this often doubles the stress associated with divorce.  Parents of…

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Contemplating Leaving the Marriage – Part Three

Planning for divorce telling friends and family

Informing Others of Your Decision: There are many decisions required when contemplating leaving the marriage. One important decision is how to inform other of the news. After time has been spent attempting to resolve marital issues which have failed, the difficulty of sharing your decision with others is a must. Your mate is usually the first person told of…

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Divorce Through Grandparents Eyes

Planning for divorce keep grandparents involved with kids

Before the announcement of divorce, grandparents are often considered “GRAND” in every sense of the word, not only from their grandchildren but also from their adult child and in-law. “Grand” because all of the grand things that they do for their grandchildren and also for the family as a whole. Wonderful memories with grandparents are usually made at every…

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Will Divorce Affect Your Children’s Spring Break Vacation?

Divorce with children and spring break

Spring vacations from school is welcomed by all ages as it is a friendly hello to spring and good-bye to winter.  It is a time when many families take a few days off from life’s everyday tasks to enjoy one another’s company and may even plan a small vacation.  Parents often set aside time to plan this welcome of…

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Stuck in Neutral

Feeling trapped how to plan for divorce

Filing for divorce requires entering the legal pathway of making financial decisions concerning all assets and liabilities acquired during marriage.If children are involved, custody decisions are made and co-parenting the children between homes will begin. With all of the material division and changes of the family structure, the once married couple will begin life anew. When children are involved,…

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Always and Forever

Divorce tips new relationships

Memories are like a rainbow; they begin with bright vivid colors in our mind and continue to brighten throughout our lifetime. Relationship memories are also quite vivid as a new relationship begins and grows into more than just friendships. Usually, reflection upon a couple’s relationship may begin at the first acquaintance and then progress as the friendship blossoms into…

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The Communication Box For the Divorced Family

Divorce tips and communication

Communication is vital for parents who are divorcing as it is essential to discuss your children’s well-being and everyday life occurrences. Divorce is unique to every family and it comes with no instructional manual as to how to proceed in an effective manner so all family members will adjust. Divorce for children is a turning point in their lives…

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