A Mental Vacation from Divorce

Divorce process take mental vacation

Individuals often experience a rollercoaster of emotions during the divorce process. These emotions must be effectively managed in addition to juggling the challenges and new responsibilities of divorce. Due to increasing divorce demands both emotionally and physically that creates the daily emotional rollercoaster, the need to take a “mental vacation” may be necessary in order to maintain both physical…

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Vacation and Co-Parenting after Divorce

Co parenting after divorce family vacations

When a couple divorces, the family will face many changes and when children are involved, they too are affected. One change as a result of divorce will be that of the family vacation.   Vacation considerations should be taken into consideration and how it will affect the children’s well-being and the parental relationship of co-parenting.  Single parenting and vacations…

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Reclaiming Control of Your Life After Divorce

Divorce tips for women reclaiming yourself

After a period of time when the parenting plan has been completed, marital property is divided, and the divorce decree has been signed, it’s now time to face life as a single and create your future. Life is filled with many uncertainties but now is the time that you must decide to face them with confidence in order to…

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