Always and Forever

Divorce tips new relationships

Memories are like a rainbow; they begin with bright vivid colors in our mind and continue to brighten throughout our lifetime. Relationship memories are also quite vivid as a new relationship begins and grows into more than just friendships. Usually, reflection upon a couple’s relationship may begin at the first acquaintance and then progress as the friendship blossoms into…

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Tips after divorce meeting new people

Reconstruction zones are everywhere it seems, after wars, tornadoes and even the aftermath of divorce. Divorce and tornadoes are similar in nature with black clouds looming in both. These clouds of divorce usually represent unhappiness and show signs that the marriage is in trouble. Winds howl fiercely in divorce when a spouse begins the process of divorce as he…

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Look Mommy I Colored In The Lines

Advice for divorcing with kids

Changes are inevitable for a couple as well as children following divorce. The everyday routine of the family often changes and parents are required to assume additional responsibilities that may limit time available to their children. Your children may feel as though they have been abandoned by the parent who does not have as much quality time available as…

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