Divorce Tool Box founder will be an exhibitor and speaker at the Divorce Expo

Audrey Silcox, Founder of Divorce Tool Box

Divorce Tool Box founder, Audrey Silcox, an expert divorce coach who is also certified as a mediator in two state Supreme Courts, will be an interactive exhibitor and speaker at this weekend’s Divorce Expo in Detroit, Michigan. More than fifty top industry experts, along with more than 100 vendors and exhibitors, will gather at the Suburban Collection Showplace, on…

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Divorce Tool Box Offers 8 Tips to Effectively Co-Parent After Divorce

Child custody and divorce

Because January has been named International Child-Centered Divorce Month, Divorce Tool Box founder and Certified Divorce and Family Mediator Audrey Silcox offers 8 tips good for any month to help parents keep focused on their children before and after a divorce. Her extensive experience in high-conflict cases within the judicial system has shown that parents who do so are…

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Struggling Economy Makes Attacks On Domestic Violence Victims

Divorce help and domestic violence

Divorce Tool Box aims to help divorcing domestic violence victims customize divorce and child custody proposals. With domestic violence laws being repelled and an increase rate of domestic violence brought on by struggling economy and budget cuts, a divorce coach and mediator can provide assistance before entering the legal arena. Congress passed the Violence Against Women Act in 1994…

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