Facebook Makes News for both Divorce and Marriage

Divorce with kids and Facebook

SUMMARY:  As the saying goes, “Timing is everything” and nobody recently demonstrated that better than Facebook founder Mark Zuckenberg when he put his IPO before his “I do’s,” saving him billions if he and the woman he married after nine years ever call it quits. Ironically, Facebook has reportedly played a role in one in five U.S. divorces, according…

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Five Considerations for Divorce and Child Custody

Co parenting after divorce

Divorce and child custody are two traumatic words that parents hope they never will hear.  Divorce itself is an emotional and traumatic event where marital assets and liabilities must be divided between spouses that were gained through marriage.  When adding the additional struggle of making decisions concerning child custody, this often doubles the stress associated with divorce.  Parents of…

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Contemplating Leaving the Marriage – Part Three

Planning for divorce telling friends and family

Informing Others of Your Decision: There are many decisions required when contemplating leaving the marriage. One important decision is how to inform other of the news. After time has been spent attempting to resolve marital issues which have failed, the difficulty of sharing your decision with others is a must. Your mate is usually the first person told of…

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Contemplating Leaving the Marriage – Part One

Starting the divorce process marital contract

The Marital Contract: “Marriage is not to be entered into lightly” is often a part of marriage vows that each make to one another during their wedding ceremony. It should not be “entered into” or “exited out” of lightly. The contract is a commitment to each other as well as to the children that has been born of the…

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Tips for Self-Discovery After Divorce and Before Dating

Self discovery after divorce

When divorce is inevitable emotions seem to be on a constant emotional rollercoaster. During this time, not only our emotions seem to be affecting our daily life but now our sense of self-worth and esteem all play a part in our psyche as we detach from our mate to begin a life of our own. During my years of…

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Creative Tips for Single Life and Parenting after Divorce

Parenting after divorce and dating

Divorce brings many unique challenges that require creativity especially in the area of single parenting. The marital home is usually a safe haven for all family members that establishes security. After divorce, each family member must learn to work together while building a new home life. Often times, each parent will establish new daily routines which fit into their…

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In-Laws or Out-Laws After Divorce

Divorce help with inlaws after divorce

After the marriage ceremony and the wedding bells have quietened, many realize that marriage is more than uniting with their spouse rather they have also gained an extended family.  Before you know it, all family members are attempting to build good relationships with one another and striving toward a happy future.  As the years of marriage go by, the…

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Stuck in Neutral

Feeling trapped how to plan for divorce

Filing for divorce requires entering the legal pathway of making financial decisions concerning all assets and liabilities acquired during marriage.If children are involved, custody decisions are made and co-parenting the children between homes will begin. With all of the material division and changes of the family structure, the once married couple will begin life anew. When children are involved,…

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Guidance Offered to Reduce Poverty Effects for Children of Divorce

Help for children of divorce

Divorce Tool Box online sessions aim to help divorcing couples customize divorce and child custody proposals before entering the legal arena. A recent report from the U. S. Census Bureau states that children of divorce are more likely to live in poverty, but with careful prior planning provided by an expert divorce coach and educator, many burdens that children…

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