Has Your Legal Team Walked in Your Divorcing Shoes?

Divorce help choosing your legal team

Divorce requires much planning for the present and for life after divorce. If a divorcing couple has young children, they are often clueless in knowing how to plan effectively for the changing needs as they mature. Acquiring a divorce expert to help parents walk through the ages and stages of children as they mature and explore standard customary needs…

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Divorce Tool Box Aims to Reduce Conflict and Stress Symptoms

Divorce help reduce stress

Divorce Tool Box aims to help divorcing couples resolve their conflicts before extended, highly-emotional legal battles can inflict such stress that violence and abuse result —which is known to involve spouses, ex-spouses, and their children. Incidents in Pittsburgh and Fort Lauderdale of violent attacks during or after divorce hearings, and a national study on child abuse and neglect demonstrate…

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