Psychological and Financial Well-Being in Divorce

Financial planning for divorce

Many people facing divorce underestimate the emotions, unpreparedness and overdependence during the divorce process which can affect their psychological and financial well-being. Many become overwhelmed by the myriad of changes which occur at a swift pace, the number of decisions which must be made and tasks associated with the divorce process. Emotions often influence the decisions which must be made…

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Controlling Emotions and Story Telling During the Divorce

Controlling emotions for parents during divorce

Divorce can be one of the most stressful events faced in life. Emotions often wreak havoc from the hurt and disappointment resulting from divorce and life adjustments which affect all family members may create even more stress. Emotions such as anger, guilt, and even a feeling of revenge may be experienced during the grief process. Although divorce is stressful,…

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Divorce Tool Box Prepares Breast Cancer Patients Who are Facing Divorce

Tips for Breast Cancer patients facing divorce

Divorce Tool Box aims to help breast cancer patients who are faced with divorce during their diagnosis and treatment.  A woman is six times more likely to be separated or divorced soon after a diagnosis of cancer and have less quality health and life outcomes according to study titled “Gender Disparity in the Rate of Partner Abandonment in Patients…

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When Parents “Skip Out” on Parenting after Divorce

Tips for parenting after divorce

Divorce is often one of life’s most challenging events not only for adults but also for children.Divorce is of  Many legal decisions must be decided such as custody, visitation and financial matters of assets and liabilities.  Changes that often accompany divorce will not only untie the “wedding knot” but also affect family members forever.  Children of divorce are the…

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Facebook Makes News for both Divorce and Marriage

Divorce with kids and Facebook

SUMMARY:  As the saying goes, “Timing is everything” and nobody recently demonstrated that better than Facebook founder Mark Zuckenberg when he put his IPO before his “I do’s,” saving him billions if he and the woman he married after nine years ever call it quits. Ironically, Facebook has reportedly played a role in one in five U.S. divorces, according…

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Contemplating Leaving the Marriage – Part Two

Preparing for divorce and your financial future

Your Financial Future: When contemplating leaving the marriage, there are many concerns and among them is that of your financial future. Money issues are usually a concern during marriage and often becomes a greater concern when one is facing divorce as each spouse realizes that the family income will now be reduced to only one income. As your contemplation…

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Has Your Legal Team Walked in Your Divorcing Shoes?

Divorce help choosing your legal team

Divorce requires much planning for the present and for life after divorce. If a divorcing couple has young children, they are often clueless in knowing how to plan effectively for the changing needs as they mature. Acquiring a divorce expert to help parents walk through the ages and stages of children as they mature and explore standard customary needs…

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Five Reasons for Divorce

Tips for divorce and reasons behind them

Couples plan their wedding spending time on every detail in order to have the perfect day which will be remembered for a lifetime. As the marital relationship progresses by having children and securing fulfilling careers many times one if not both spouses become unhappy within the marriage and decide to seek divorce. Currently there are 1.4 million divorces in…

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The Reality of Divorce and the Economy

Planning for divorce and your finances

For most families, there never seems to be enough money to balance finances especially when one spouse spends too much on unnecessary items creating arguments surrounding marital money and family expenses. As a couple transitions into divorce, money concerns often intensify as the division of assets and liabilities begins. When couples face divorce, they must take into consideration the…

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Stuck in Neutral

Feeling trapped how to plan for divorce

Filing for divorce requires entering the legal pathway of making financial decisions concerning all assets and liabilities acquired during marriage.If children are involved, custody decisions are made and co-parenting the children between homes will begin. With all of the material division and changes of the family structure, the once married couple will begin life anew. When children are involved,…

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