Proclamation Signed Promoting Child-Centered Divorce Month

Divorcing with children proclamation

Mayor Mike Schmitz of Dothan, Alabama signed a proclamation recognizing International Child Centered Divorce Month as requested by Audrey Silcox, Founder of Divorce Tool Box. International Child-Centered Divorce month promotes awareness to place children’s needs first when reaching decisions related to divorce or separation. Divorce Tool Box founder and Certified Divorce and Family Mediator, Audrey Silcox, offers tips good…

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January is known as “Divorce Month” – Advice for those Filing for Divorce

Tips for those filing for divorce

Traditional resolutions are typically a welcome part of beginning a new year with focusing on new beginnings and self-improvement. One New Year’s resolution many make is that of unhappily-marrieds resolving in January to make this the year in which they cut their marital cords. Historically, the number of filings for divorce soar during this month, thus, January has been…

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Tis the Season to be Caring

Divorce with kids during holidays

Christmas time is usually a time of excitement, joy and thinking of others but often this is not the reflection when couples are divorcing who have children. The focus of others and the giving spirit may be replaced with anger toward the other spouse and selfishness where children are concerned, often forgetting the meaning behind the holiday season as…

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Divorce Tool Box Prepares Breast Cancer Patients Who are Facing Divorce

Tips for Breast Cancer patients facing divorce

Divorce Tool Box aims to help breast cancer patients who are faced with divorce during their diagnosis and treatment.  A woman is six times more likely to be separated or divorced soon after a diagnosis of cancer and have less quality health and life outcomes according to study titled “Gender Disparity in the Rate of Partner Abandonment in Patients…

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When Parents “Skip Out” on Parenting after Divorce

Tips for parenting after divorce

Divorce is often one of life’s most challenging events not only for adults but also for children.Divorce is of  Many legal decisions must be decided such as custody, visitation and financial matters of assets and liabilities.  Changes that often accompany divorce will not only untie the “wedding knot” but also affect family members forever.  Children of divorce are the…

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Summertime and Children of Divorce

Children of divorce during summer vacation

Summertime is a time of relaxation and a break to get outside and enjoy summer activities.  Adults often view summertime as an opportunity to enjoy the children without being a drill sergeant ordering them to accomplish all daily requirements in order to meet school demands.  Summertime can be a time for watching television, playing outside until dark and even…

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Facebook Makes News for both Divorce and Marriage

Divorce with kids and Facebook

SUMMARY:  As the saying goes, “Timing is everything” and nobody recently demonstrated that better than Facebook founder Mark Zuckenberg when he put his IPO before his “I do’s,” saving him billions if he and the woman he married after nine years ever call it quits. Ironically, Facebook has reportedly played a role in one in five U.S. divorces, according…

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Divorced Parents and Graduation

Divorced parents and graduation

It’s that time of the year when everywhere you look there are caps and gowns of all colors and sizes. Graduation is a time when recognition of accomplishments is expected and a time of excitement of a chapter of life closing and another beginning. This time of year graduation may encompass all ages from those completing kindergarten, middle school,…

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Time Management and Single Parenting

Managing time with children after divorce

Life maybe very chaotic as parents separate, divorce and begin creating a new home life for themselves and their children. For many parents of divorce, life is often stressful dealing with time management deficiencies in attempting to find a balance between work, family, divorce and forming a new single life. A usual morning may consist of getting children ready…

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Five Considerations for Divorce and Child Custody

Co parenting after divorce

Divorce and child custody are two traumatic words that parents hope they never will hear.  Divorce itself is an emotional and traumatic event where marital assets and liabilities must be divided between spouses that were gained through marriage.  When adding the additional struggle of making decisions concerning child custody, this often doubles the stress associated with divorce.  Parents of…

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