Contemplating Leaving the Marriage – Part Three

Planning for divorce telling friends and family

Informing Others of Your Decision: There are many decisions required when contemplating leaving the marriage. One important decision is how to inform other of the news. After time has been spent attempting to resolve marital issues which have failed, the difficulty of sharing your decision with others is a must. Your mate is usually the first person told of…

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Contemplating Leaving the Marriage – Part Two

Preparing for divorce and your financial future

Your Financial Future: When contemplating leaving the marriage, there are many concerns and among them is that of your financial future. Money issues are usually a concern during marriage and often becomes a greater concern when one is facing divorce as each spouse realizes that the family income will now be reduced to only one income. As your contemplation…

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Contemplating Leaving the Marriage – Part One

Starting the divorce process marital contract

The Marital Contract: “Marriage is not to be entered into lightly” is often a part of marriage vows that each make to one another during their wedding ceremony. It should not be “entered into” or “exited out” of lightly. The contract is a commitment to each other as well as to the children that has been born of the…

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