In-Laws or Out-Laws After Divorce

Divorce help with inlaws after divorce

After the marriage ceremony and the wedding bells have quietened, many realize that marriage is more than uniting with their spouse rather they have also gained an extended family.  Before you know it, all family members are attempting to build good relationships with one another and striving toward a happy future.  As the years of marriage go by, the…

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Five Reasons for Divorce

Tips for divorce and reasons behind them

Couples plan their wedding spending time on every detail in order to have the perfect day which will be remembered for a lifetime. As the marital relationship progresses by having children and securing fulfilling careers many times one if not both spouses become unhappy within the marriage and decide to seek divorce. Currently there are 1.4 million divorces in…

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The Communication Box For the Divorced Family

Divorce tips and communication

Communication is vital for parents who are divorcing as it is essential to discuss your children’s well-being and everyday life occurrences. Divorce is unique to every family and it comes with no instructional manual as to how to proceed in an effective manner so all family members will adjust. Divorce for children is a turning point in their lives…

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Divorce Survival Kit for Parents of Teens

Divorce help for parents with teens

The word teenager creates a mental picture in itself for most parents. When a child reaches the magical teenage years, this can become a time of fun, creating self-identity and transitioning to become more independent. This transitioning can be described as becoming an independent person yet making sure that parents are at arm’s reach for needed security. When parents…

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Communication a Must in Divorce

Process of divorce using communication skills

Communication does not seem to be a factor when couples fall in love. There are many calls to say those three words…I Love You, special cards in the mail to express how each partner is feeling about the relationship and even tokens of love have written expressions of the tender feelings developing in the relationship. Communication is the key…

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