Contemplating Leaving the Marriage – Part Three

Planning for divorce telling friends and family

Informing Others of Your Decision: There are many decisions required when contemplating leaving the marriage. One important decision is how to inform other of the news. After time has been spent attempting to resolve marital issues which have failed, the difficulty of sharing your decision with others is a must. Your mate is usually the first person told of…

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Creative Tips for Single Life and Parenting after Divorce

Parenting after divorce and dating

Divorce brings many unique challenges that require creativity especially in the area of single parenting. The marital home is usually a safe haven for all family members that establishes security. After divorce, each family member must learn to work together while building a new home life. Often times, each parent will establish new daily routines which fit into their…

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Will Divorce Affect Your Children’s Spring Break Vacation?

Divorce with children and spring break

Spring vacations from school is welcomed by all ages as it is a friendly hello to spring and good-bye to winter.  It is a time when many families take a few days off from life’s everyday tasks to enjoy one another’s company and may even plan a small vacation.  Parents often set aside time to plan this welcome of…

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Stuck in Neutral

Feeling trapped how to plan for divorce

Filing for divorce requires entering the legal pathway of making financial decisions concerning all assets and liabilities acquired during marriage.If children are involved, custody decisions are made and co-parenting the children between homes will begin. With all of the material division and changes of the family structure, the once married couple will begin life anew. When children are involved,…

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Seeking Daycare When Divorcing

Divorcing with children finding daycare

Oftentimes, couples mutually decide when having children that one parent will stay at home with the children while they are young to be the full time caregiver. This usually affords many happy memories and contentment for the children unless divorce occurs. This stay at home parent is now placed in a less than perfect situation. Not only is this…

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Always and Forever

Divorce tips new relationships

Memories are like a rainbow; they begin with bright vivid colors in our mind and continue to brighten throughout our lifetime. Relationship memories are also quite vivid as a new relationship begins and grows into more than just friendships. Usually, reflection upon a couple’s relationship may begin at the first acquaintance and then progress as the friendship blossoms into…

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The Communication Box For the Divorced Family

Divorce tips and communication

Communication is vital for parents who are divorcing as it is essential to discuss your children’s well-being and everyday life occurrences. Divorce is unique to every family and it comes with no instructional manual as to how to proceed in an effective manner so all family members will adjust. Divorce for children is a turning point in their lives…

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Divorce Tool Box Offers 8 Tips to Effectively Co-Parent After Divorce

Child custody and divorce

Because January has been named International Child-Centered Divorce Month, Divorce Tool Box founder and Certified Divorce and Family Mediator Audrey Silcox offers 8 tips good for any month to help parents keep focused on their children before and after a divorce. Her extensive experience in high-conflict cases within the judicial system has shown that parents who do so are…

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Divorce Tool Box Supports and Encourages Out-Of-Court Settlements

Divorce tips settle out of court

Divorce education similar to that offered by Divorce Tool Box is among the “other means” that a new proposed law in British Columbia is encouraging divorcing couples to utilize in order to reduce costly legal battles by settling out of court. Helping divorcing parents avoid long, drawn-out emotional and financial battles relating to child custody, visitation schedules, child support,…

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Look Mommy I Colored In The Lines

Advice for divorcing with kids

Changes are inevitable for a couple as well as children following divorce. The everyday routine of the family often changes and parents are required to assume additional responsibilities that may limit time available to their children. Your children may feel as though they have been abandoned by the parent who does not have as much quality time available as…

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