Summertime and Children of Divorce

Children of divorce during summer vacation

Summertime is a time of relaxation and a break to get outside and enjoy summer activities.  Adults often view summertime as an opportunity to enjoy the children without being a drill sergeant ordering them to accomplish all daily requirements in order to meet school demands.  Summertime can be a time for watching television, playing outside until dark and even…

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Divorce Through Grandparents Eyes

Planning for divorce keep grandparents involved with kids

Before the announcement of divorce, grandparents are often considered “GRAND” in every sense of the word, not only from their grandchildren but also from their adult child and in-law. “Grand” because all of the grand things that they do for their grandchildren and also for the family as a whole. Wonderful memories with grandparents are usually made at every…

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Divorce Tool Box Offers Tips for Divorce and Custody During the Holiday Season

Divorcing with kids and the holidays

Children experience much anticipation during the holiday season, but when parents are divorcing, children may find their holidays also filled with anxiety. Child custody arrangements often change visitation plans between households to “equally divide parental time.” ABC News on May 13, 2011, reported that divorce affects 2.8 million adults, and the Coalition for Divorce Reform reports that divorce affects…

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Three Unhealthy Decisions Divorced Parents Make

Divorce process making healthy decisions

THE AMERICAN DREAM – Most everyone strives to achieve it. Who created the model describing the dream? Many who answer say it’s the economy, media, friends, family and other society factors which contribute to what the determining factors are for this dream. Everyone ranks the order differently but the result is usually the same. Nearly everyone envisions the white…

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Guidance Offered to Reduce Poverty Effects for Children of Divorce

Help for children of divorce

Divorce Tool Box online sessions aim to help divorcing couples customize divorce and child custody proposals before entering the legal arena. A recent report from the U. S. Census Bureau states that children of divorce are more likely to live in poverty, but with careful prior planning provided by an expert divorce coach and educator, many burdens that children…

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