Preparing for a Divorce in Marietta GA


Preparing For a Divorce in Marietta, GA

If you and your spouse have decided to divorce, you may be wondering what’s next.  Questions that you may have are what should I do in preparing for divorce, what are the first steps that should be taken and how will I cope emotionally as well as juggle all of the life changes that accompany divorce.

At Divorce Tool Box we understand anyone who is going through this life altering situation may not be aware of all the decisions that will need to be made so we are here to help. If you live in Marietta, GA or the surrounding areas, click here to learn what Divorce Tool Box can offer as you are preparing for divorce.   

As you may or may not know, divorce laws in the United States differ from state to state. It is important, therefore, that you review laws that will apply in the state in which you are filing or ask your attorney specific question surrounding your personal situation.

To make this easier for you, we will outline the divorce process for those who live in Marietta, Georgia.

Planning for Divorce

Divorce in any state including Marietta, Georgia can be an emotionally and financially taxing process. Divorce Tool Box can guide you from the comfort of your home through the divorce process. Our support can make this easier for you by providing practical divorce advice that you need while preparing for divorce.

Exhaust All Other Options Before You Begin the Divorce Process

Are both spouses confident that the marital relationship has broken down irretrievably or can the relationship be saved?

Divorce is not a decision to be taken lightly, so the first piece of advice in our divorce guide is that you need to be certain that divorce is considered inevitable by both spouses. If you are straddling the fence on your decision, seeking counseling to assist may be helpful.   Although counseling is not a legal requirement to divorce in Marietta, Georgia, as it is in some states, it might be beneficial. 

Where You Will File for Divorce

It is the norm to file for divorce in the state in which you live, therefore, it is handled by the state. If one spouse has lived in Marietta, Ga for at least six months, you are eligible to file for divorce in this city.

State Rulesfor Divorce in Marietta, Georgia

The state of Georgia allows no-fault divorces and in fact, most divorces filed in Georgia are no-fault divorces. This allows one spouse to file for divorce without having to prove that the other spouse did something wrong. One spouse must merely state that the marriage has broken down irretrievably, with no grounds for repair. Filing no-fault may prove to be easier both emotionally and financially while not needing to prove wrongdoing of the other spouse.

In Georgia, if the divorce is uncontested, it can be finalized in as little as thirty-one days after the paperwork is filed. If contested, then the procedure will take much longer as it will require attorneys, possibly mediators and other professionals to assist. It also requires that the couple must work to reach an agreement or the case may appear before the family law judge.

Choosing a Lawyer

If you can’t agree between yourselves, it will be necessary to consult a lawyer. Careful consideration must be given to the family law firm that will be chosen to represent you in Marietta, GA.  As you prepare for divorce, you may search for a lawyer with affordable rates, office appointment hours convenient for you as well as their success in resolving matters out of court.  Will you actually require a lawyer? If you and your spouse can work out an agreement together, mediation may be the best route.  An attorney may be sought to review the agreement once it is finished for peace of mind that you didn’t overlook any important details.

Divorcing with Kids

At Divorce Tool Box, we understand that every situation is different. We offer two programs for this reason, Divorcing with Children and Divorcing without Children to better help you prepare for divorce.

Children are the biggest casualties in any divorce. Divorce can bring about family discord and result in changes that may alter their entire lives. Children may be required to move, change schools, leave behind their friends and everything that is familiar. Noting that this is in addition to living between two homes. 

As you prepare for divorce, plan to place your children’s needs at the forefront.  In addition, to planning effectively as how their needs will be met now and in the future, keeping a cordial and open relationship with their other parent is needed for their stability. 

Come to an agreement on how you can work together to effectively co-parent and spend time with your children. Our web-based online videos help you create a workable parenting plan so you can plan in advance how to best meet the needs of your family.  

Divorce Advice for Men and Women in Marietta, Georgia 

We know that when preparing for divorce, it can be difficult for both men and women. Divorce Tool Box offers advice and tips for both and offer many articles on different topics. We can also help you identify additional professionals and find the resources you may need in Marietta, GA during this time.

During and after divorce, acquiring a new identity can be somewhat overwhelming.  Having friends who care about you is important during this time.  Also, learning to try new hobbies and adventures as you become acquainted with who you are without your spouse may be just the ticket to better accepting your new identity. You click the following links to view additional articles regarding divorce advice for men and divorce help for women

If you live in Marietta, Ga and are looking for divorce advice, click here to see how Divorce Tool Box can help you prepare for divorce.