Do you want to reduce your court’s docket while improving outcomes for divorcing families? Divorce Tool Box can help! You may find that your docket is filled with issues that could have been resolved outside the court system. But when parties are emotionally crippled and unable to clearly offer workable solutions, they look to you to decide even the simplest of matters, clogging the docket and slowing down the divorce process.

Divorce Tool Box is an educational platform that helps individuals to be emotionally prepared for the process, and equips them to play a positive role in deciding what the future should look like for their family. Our goal is improving outcomes for individuals, families and the court.

Here’s how Divorce Tool Box can benefit your court:

  • Mandating Divorce Tool Box Online Sessions may decrease your docket and future modifications:
    Many life changing decisions are required during the divorce process, and are often made without an understanding of the long-term ramifications. Our web-based educational video sessions and Divorce Planning Template help families with current and future planning, and enable them to make thoughtful decisions. Uninformed decisions often lead to unsatisfactory outcomes for parents and children, and lead everyone back to court for modifications which might have been avoided. 
  • Divorce Tool Box is the place to start before mediation or any other court ordered service:
    Mediators are often asked to assist couples who don’t understand the issues on the table, and haven’t adequately evaluated their personal and family needs. Divorce Tool Box guides the individual through preparation for the divorce process, helping the client prioritize items for the divorce proposal, develop feasible solutions for the family, and increase the chance of mediation success. If mediation isn’t the answer, Divorce Tool Box assists parties in partnering with their attorneys to expedite and streamline the process of litigation.

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How to purchase

Professionals must purchase a program coupon for clients in order to obtain the program at no cost.

Follow these easy step-by-step instructions to purchase a coupon.

  1. BUY NOW
    • Click the Divorce Tool Box for Professionals page under the Professionals drop down menu tab. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “BUY NOW.”
    • Complete the information in this section and remember to keep your username and password in a convenient location as they will be needed for you to login to view the online program.
    • It may be wise to use a private email.
    • Click “Submit Order and Complete Payment” link.
    • Complete payment information and click “Pay Now.”
    • Now that you have completed your purchase, you will receive two emails that contain your purchase receipt and coupon code. The next step is to provide the coupon code to your client advising him/her to visit and follow the instructions located on the yellow button titled- Individuals: How to use my coupon code located under the Shop drop down menu tab.
    • The username and password used when creating your account will be needed for logging into your account for future purchases. Please save this information in a convenient location.