Three New Year’s Resolutions For Those Divorcing

Divorce help starting the new year

Divorce help starting the new yearFacing divorce is stressful enough but when combined with the Christmas holiday season, it can become overwhelming. Divorce itself is stressful as emotions may seem to be on a daily rollercoaster, requiring life altering decisions to be made while the divorce process may seem to be creating life changes that are occurring much too fast. As the Christmas Holiday comes to an end, there is one positive aspect, a New Year. Many individuals view this as an opportunity that may offer new hope and possibilities, thus a new beginning.

Individuals make New Year’s resolutions which focus on making positive changes in their lives. Traditional resolutions often focus on a healthier lifestyle, making financial investments toward one’s future, striving for greater employment and personal goals. Divorce may encourage one to re-evaluate their goals in life and even make one realize that setting goals/resolutions may be necessary in order to become responsible for future happiness and success.

Three New Year’s resolutions when facing divorce:

  1. Acquire Knowledge:

    Divorce affects you and your family so no matter how many divorced friends that you have who can offer advice or obtaining the best legal professionals to assist, it may be wise to become knowledgeable yourself, as you will be the one who will live every day with the decisions made.

  2. Become Independent and Resourceful:

    If one had been married for a number of years, dependency on the other mate usually occurs as the couple enmeshes together in their marital relationship. One may find that in areas of life that he/she once depended on their spouse to accomplish certain tasks or meet certain needs, these needs must be met another way. The realization is one of the first signs that the married couple is no longer a couple in the same sense of the word. When one realizes that there are needs to be met and if one can’t meet the needs by themselves, look for resources within the community to help. Needs do not go away because of a divorce, one must learn to be resourceful in finding ways to meet their own needs. Don’t choose to be helpless, choose to be resourceful.

  3. Find Contentment:

    When divorcing, one may dwell on the many changes, losses and what they cannot control. Although this is common, the realization that all of the above is true, how you choose to perceive your situation affects many aspects. Your perception may not change your divorce, mate or even your situation but searching for contentment is necessary in order to survive. Contentment can be found by searching within yourself to make strides for brighter future. Contentment may be viewed as a day by day task or even an hour by hour task, the main realization is to find contentment.

No one said that divorce would be easy but by establishing New Year’s resolutions toward a new beginning will aid in the ability to look forward. Divorce Tool Box can help you through the transition of divorce so visit our website today at