Stuck in Neutral

Feeling trapped how to plan for divorce

Filing for divorce requires entering the legal pathway of making financial decisions concerning all assets and liabilities acquired during marriage.If children are involved, custody decisions are made and co-parenting the children between homes will begin. With all of the material division and changes of the family structure, the once married couple will begin life anew. When children are involved,…

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Seeking Daycare When Divorcing

Divorcing with children finding daycare

Oftentimes, couples mutually decide when having children that one parent will stay at home with the children while they are young to be the full time caregiver. This usually affords many happy memories and contentment for the children unless divorce occurs. This stay at home parent is now placed in a less than perfect situation. Not only is this…

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Always and Forever

Divorce tips new relationships

Memories are like a rainbow; they begin with bright vivid colors in our mind and continue to brighten throughout our lifetime. Relationship memories are also quite vivid as a new relationship begins and grows into more than just friendships. Usually, reflection upon a couple’s relationship may begin at the first acquaintance and then progress as the friendship blossoms into…

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Writing for Sanity

Divorce advice write important things down

Divorce decisions usually keep individual’s mind and thought process uncontrollable. Many turn to friends and family to discuss their feelings resulting from the divorce process. The problem that may occur is that when attempting to process these emotions by discussing them with family and friends, the advice they give may be biased toward you because they love you and…

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Tips after divorce meeting new people

Reconstruction zones are everywhere it seems, after wars, tornadoes and even the aftermath of divorce. Divorce and tornadoes are similar in nature with black clouds looming in both. These clouds of divorce usually represent unhappiness and show signs that the marriage is in trouble. Winds howl fiercely in divorce when a spouse begins the process of divorce as he…

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Have Luggage Will Travel

Divorce with kids bird nesting

With 1.4 million divorces in the United States annually, there are many families facing an uncertain future. One question that every divorcing family that has children may be asking is how to make provision for spending quality time with their children. Divorce with children can be especially challenging as parents are attempting to make decisions which will affect everyday…

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Fathers and Single Parenting 101

Divorce advice for men with children

When couples make the decision to divorce and have children, what many do not realize is that there are many changes to come.  The changes include but are not limited to changes in income, schedules, and parenting roles in addition to the responsibilities that will accompany each of these changes.  Every parent will most likely be affected by role…

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Tips to Reduce Stress During Divorce

The divorce process and stress

The divorce process often creates much uncertainty that can manifest itself as stress. When a couple divorces, many changes occur that require action of both spouses. The changes are often seen as the sources of stress that one must find workable coping skills to use through the divorce process. Learning to recognize that stress is a common occurrence when…

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Anger – The Financial Monster of Divorce

Parents facing divorce dealing with anger

A vast range of emotions are experienced as couples face divorce. These emotions can range from fear, relief, sadness and even anger that can play a part in your divorce but the main concern is how you allow the emotions to affect your divorce and the decisions required of you. Anger is an emotion that can feed off of…

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The Communication Box For the Divorced Family

Divorce tips and communication

Communication is vital for parents who are divorcing as it is essential to discuss your children’s well-being and everyday life occurrences. Divorce is unique to every family and it comes with no instructional manual as to how to proceed in an effective manner so all family members will adjust. Divorce for children is a turning point in their lives…

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