A Mental Vacation from Divorce

Divorce process take mental vacation

Individuals often experience a rollercoaster of emotions during the divorce process. These emotions must be effectively managed in addition to juggling the challenges and new responsibilities of divorce. Due to increasing divorce demands both emotionally and physically that creates the daily emotional rollercoaster, the need to take a “mental vacation” may be necessary in order to maintain both physical…

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Divorce Through Grandparents Eyes

Planning for divorce keep grandparents involved with kids

Before the announcement of divorce, grandparents are often considered “GRAND” in every sense of the word, not only from their grandchildren but also from their adult child and in-law. “Grand” because all of the grand things that they do for their grandchildren and also for the family as a whole. Wonderful memories with grandparents are usually made at every…

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Tips for Self-Discovery After Divorce and Before Dating

Self discovery after divorce

When divorce is inevitable emotions seem to be on a constant emotional rollercoaster. During this time, not only our emotions seem to be affecting our daily life but now our sense of self-worth and esteem all play a part in our psyche as we detach from our mate to begin a life of our own. During my years of…

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Creative Tips for Single Life and Parenting after Divorce

Parenting after divorce and dating

Divorce brings many unique challenges that require creativity especially in the area of single parenting. The marital home is usually a safe haven for all family members that establishes security. After divorce, each family member must learn to work together while building a new home life. Often times, each parent will establish new daily routines which fit into their…

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Will Divorce Affect Your Children’s Spring Break Vacation?

Divorce with children and spring break

Spring vacations from school is welcomed by all ages as it is a friendly hello to spring and good-bye to winter.  It is a time when many families take a few days off from life’s everyday tasks to enjoy one another’s company and may even plan a small vacation.  Parents often set aside time to plan this welcome of…

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In-Laws or Out-Laws After Divorce

Divorce help with inlaws after divorce

After the marriage ceremony and the wedding bells have quietened, many realize that marriage is more than uniting with their spouse rather they have also gained an extended family.  Before you know it, all family members are attempting to build good relationships with one another and striving toward a happy future.  As the years of marriage go by, the…

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Has Your Legal Team Walked in Your Divorcing Shoes?

Divorce help choosing your legal team

Divorce requires much planning for the present and for life after divorce. If a divorcing couple has young children, they are often clueless in knowing how to plan effectively for the changing needs as they mature. Acquiring a divorce expert to help parents walk through the ages and stages of children as they mature and explore standard customary needs…

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Five Reasons for Divorce

Tips for divorce and reasons behind them

Couples plan their wedding spending time on every detail in order to have the perfect day which will be remembered for a lifetime. As the marital relationship progresses by having children and securing fulfilling careers many times one if not both spouses become unhappy within the marriage and decide to seek divorce. Currently there are 1.4 million divorces in…

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Who Will Get the Family Pet in Divorce

Preparing for divorce and the family pet

When divorce occurs, division of assets and liabilities acquired during marriage must occur. When society views assets, images of real estate and personal property always come into forethought but another asset that couples often find hard to divide is that of the family pet. It is common to hear the words “in the best interest of the children” but…

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The Reality of Divorce and the Economy

Planning for divorce and your finances

For most families, there never seems to be enough money to balance finances especially when one spouse spends too much on unnecessary items creating arguments surrounding marital money and family expenses. As a couple transitions into divorce, money concerns often intensify as the division of assets and liabilities begins. When couples face divorce, they must take into consideration the…

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