3 Strategies to Cope with Divorce

cope with divorce

Divorce is not anticipated when couples marry but millions of individuals are affected by it each year. Watching your marriage die is painful and knowing how to move past the hurt to begin living without your spouse can be challenging but there are ways to move forward as you learn to cope with divorce. SELF – CARE IS ESSENTIAL…

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Tips to Get What You Need From Divorce

divorce tips

Having divorce tips to assist as you learn to navigate through the murky waters of separation and divorce can be priceless. During this time, life can be uncertain, filled with many personal and family changes. Often times, people second guess what they should be doing to prepare for divorce as they watch their marriage further deteriorate, feel helpless after…

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Preparing for Divorce and Keeping Emotions under Control

Preparing for Divorce

When preparing for divorce, emotions can feel as though they are on a roller-coaster. The key is learning to control them instead of them controlling you.  Whether you are the spouse who desires the divorce or you are reaping the consequences of your spouse’s decision, emotions are inevitably at an all-time high.  Before moving any farther, learn now how…

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Divorce With Children Requires Planning Ahead

divorce with children

When faced with the failing of your marriage, there may be many personal questions but even more alarming may be the additional stress associated when there is divorce with children. What becomes of the dreams that you and your spouse had for your children? The dreams don’t just go away because your marriage does. Divorce with children requires for…

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Tips for Co-Parenting After Divorce for Your Childrens Well-Being and Yours

Co Parenting Tips After Divorce

Parenting after divorce can be tough but it’s necessary to work together for your children’s sense of security and well-being.  Below are a few concrete ideas for working towards a reasonably harmonious and productive relationship with your child’s other parent. Be certain your child understands that although time may not be equally shared, he’ll still have two parents. Challenges…

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Choosing the Right Divorce Attorney for a Successful Outcome

Choosing the right divorce attorney

If you do not know what to search for in a divorce attorney, how do you know you are investing all your dreams, hopes, and money in the right one? Follow the steps below to better choose the divorce lawyer that is the right match for you. Be realistic First, you must recognize that divorce is a legal procedure,…

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Should You Know Your Ex-Spouse’s Vacation Itinerary?

Vacation after a divorce

When contemplating divorce there are a million thoughts that run through your mind on a daily basis.    These thoughts may include your relationship with your spouse, the realization that the dreams you two had planned together may never happen and if you have children, concerns for their emotional well-being and how to parent effectively in separate homes. In addition…

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Depression and Divorce

Dealing with depression after divorce

When someone experiences divorce and travels through its journey, a vast array of emotions may be experienced. These emotions may seem to change hourly on somedays and moment to moment on others. Divorce requires many changes within the family structure and decisions to be made on everyone’s behalf. With so many changes and demands, emotions may seem to be…

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Don’t Let Panic Invade When Preparing For Divorce

Dealing with panic after divorce

There are usually many emotions which invade our emotional well-being when facing divorce, especially panic as it usually paralyzes anyone when the first suspicion of divorce arises and often escalates when a spouse actually verbalizes the desire to divorce.  Such questions invading your mind may consist of what is the reason for divorce, what should I do, where will…

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Divorce Tool Box Offers Tips to Navigate Pitfalls Between Divorce and Social Media

Tip for parents divorcing and Social Media

Divorcing individuals whenever using social media–before, during, or after their legal proceedings–are advised to be aware, be cautious, and be smart. Otherwise, says Divorce Tool Box, they could learn the hard way, as have other divorcing couples, about the high, irrevocable cost of venting and expressing intimate, perhaps ultimately embarrassing feelings for the world–and the courts–to see. After the…

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