Despite the emotions involved, taking a proactive, deliberate approach to your divorce settlement is possible with the right guidance. Make Divorce Tool Box part of your plan and you will:

  • Benefit from the convenience of accessing our videos anywhere, anytime, and at your own pace. Watch from the privacy of a comfortable location, and minimize your time away from work.
  • Prepare for divorce by focusing on self-care, and recognizing and reducing stressors. Gain a better understanding of what to expect during the process, and how to manage the responsibilities of daily life during this difficult time.
  • Take a step-by-step approach to dividing assets and liabilities, while understanding the critical role of compromise and negotiation.
  • Make informed decisions regarding your children’s care, and craft a co-parenting plan that addresses both present and future needs.
  • Enter the legal arena with more answers than questions, thanks to a completed divorce action plan to serve as a foundation for future decisions. 
