Increasing Physical Exercise When Having Child Custody.

Kids and divorce staying healthy

Kids and divorce staying healthyDivorced parents who have custody of children are very busy meeting the children’s needs while single parenting. There are so many tasks to complete that it seems to not be enough time in a day to accomplish all of the daily requirements. The custodial parent can become exhausted with the additional tasks while making sure that the needs of the children are fully met and their best interests remain at heart. Most health professionals advise that by adding exercise into your daily routine during stressful times may be the key to reducing stress. Beginning or increasing exercise may be beneficial to reduce the stress of single parenting and also increase energy levels to accomplish the many tasks of single parenting active children.

The single parent may desire to add physical exercise into their daily agenda but wonder when and how. There are already so many commitments and finding time for themselves seems almost impossible. Many understand the benefits of exercising but the big question is how to accomplish this. Obstacles preventing exercise may be that they have small children and do not have a sitter for them to attend the local gym, there is no additional time for a work out, etc. So the question remains, how to incorporate a fitness and health exercise program into single parenting life:

3 ways to increase exercise when divorced and having child custody:

  1. If you have small children, the stroller can become your best friend. Choose a convenient time to take the kids for a stroller ride and to enjoy different scenery. Consider the season, you may choose the warmest/coolest part of the day or evening or you may need to choose a location that has an inside track. Many large churches, local malls, etc. may offer a walking area that will offer scenery as well as be conducive to just the right temperature.
  2. Find a time of day that you can offer increments of 10 minutes a day to exercise. This may include your lunch hour taking a brisk walk around the parking lot to refresh not only your brain but also breathe fresh air and gain extra circulation. Using stairs instead of the elevator, even if you begin with conquering one floor at the time, parking at the back of the parking lot instead of the front entrance, etc. Find ways to incorporate 10 minutes here and there and before you know it; you have an hour of physical activity before the end of the day.
  3. The media always stresses that children do not get enough physical activity, so make exercise a family event while spending time together. This may be accomplished while dinner is cooking. One ideas is to play your favorite exercise DVD which would be fun for everyone. There are many ideas on the internet on ways to incorporate play which requires much physical activity. The main goal is for the family to have fun and increase physical activity.

Divorce, custody and single parenting can be stressful both financially and emotionally. An individual might not be able to afford to join the local gym, may not feel comfortable as newly single joining the gym alone or as stated, may feel that there is just not enough time in the day. Try incorporating these three tips into your day and see how much physical activity that you can obtain. Learn to be creative!

Divorce Tool Box realizes that divorce is stressful and finding time for oneself for anything seems impossible. Our online sessions discuss the need for self-care during and after divorce. Visit our website @ today. Now let’s get moving to better health, parenting and a better you.