By Turning Unprepared Or Confused Clients Facing Divorce Into More Informed, Prepared & Receptive Clients?
If you’re like most counselors and coaches who cover divorce, you spend too much time with overwhelmed clients. What if you had a simple tool that delivered more informed and receptive clients who are prepared and eager to work with you?
Divorce Tool Box does just that!
Clients contemplating or facing divorce come to you for emotional and psychological support. Divorce Tool Box Video Series supports you by informing your clients about what lies ahead and what to expect from your services.
A better-informed client is an easier client to serve!
This compassionate and comprehensive web-based VIDEO program helps your clients with support, structure and accountability!
Using the Divorce Tool Box your clients will:
- Grasp how their personal life and family will be changed by divorce
- Understand their role in the divorce process
- Prepare for sessions with the details you need to serve them
- Get the most value from your therapeutic services
- Identify stressors and other emotional triggers and challenges
So you can focus on what matters, what works and what they need.
Divorce Tool Box uses a reality therapy approach to address the most relevant facets of divorce with or without children. With this knowledge clients can then decide what to incorporate into their customized divorce action plan using the template provided. They may also consider reconciliation.
Expand Your Practice Value, Divorce Expertise , AND Billable Sessions You Offer?
DIVORCE TOOL BOX COUNSELING GUIDEBOOK & VIDEO for divorce counseling professionals does just that!
Created by a counselor for therapists, coaches and other helping professionals, the Divorce Tool Box Counseling Guidebook addresses the psychological and emotional perceptions clients have as they complete the online sessions.
Helpful for clients …
The Counseling Guidebook enhances your ability to provide:
- Emotional and psychological support for clients
- Content structure, overview, expectations, closure and more
- Accountability for completion of online session tasks
- On target questions for meaningful discussion
The Divorce Tool Box Counseling Guidebook addresses the psychological and emotional perceptions clients have as they complete the online sessions. With the Counseling Guidebook you can proactively navigate challenges to serve your clients in the most meaningful, knowledgeable and productive way.
Helpful for your practice …
Our Counselor Resources are specifically designed to help clinicians:
- Grow your practice by reaching new clients thus increasing your income
- Use our guided curriculum to increase your appointment sessions
- Become an expert with more accessible resources
Each Counseling Guidebook segment provides specific material based on the online videos clients view on their own time. The Guidebook supports each 60-minute session following the Divorce Tool Box structure.
The Counseling Guidebook includes material for two additional sessions. So you can offer 10 sessions for those divorcing with children and 6 for those divorcing without children.
If you want to enhance the impact of your therapeutic skills then the Divorce Tool Box Counseling Guidebook is the resource you can depend on every step of the way!
This resource also includes a 60-day video subscription to the Online Sessions. Having a video subscription to view the session’s content will allow you, the professional, to have a better understanding of how the online program works, education concerning the divorce process with its myriad of decisions and have an opportunity to reflect upon the psychological and emotional perceptions clients may have as they complete the online sessions.
The curriculum defines how to begin the session, concept and overview of the current session, what participants will learn, what to expect, discussion and conclusion. There is sufficient material to support a sixty-minute session. The material enables you to provide emotional and psychological support as well as accountability for completion of the tasks associated with each session.
This Guidebook, used with the Tool Box video series and worksheets, helps clients “experience” the life-altering emotions and decisions behind divorce.
A valuable extension to your pre-marital counseling or coaching services!
The problem: divorce has become an easy answer if marriage does not live up to our expectations. Many clients do not understand how divorce changes the dreams and plans couples have for themselves and innocent children who have no voice in decisions made for them.
The solution: using Divorce Tool Box as an extension to a pre-marital program helps couples actually “walk through a divorce” – the emotions, decisions that must be made and how life will be changed. This enables them to grasp the consequences that follow a divorce, also serving as a reminder when marital problems arise to seek marital restoration through professional support.
It is often difficult for engaged couples to understand the maturation of a marriage and the challenges they will face. We created an addendum in the guidebook with personal fact sheets attributed to the couple as though they have been married. Consequently, when prompted to make decisions through the Divorce Tool Box Online Sessions, they have “personal” information so they can complete the program effectively.
Many concepts explored in Divorce Tool Box are not considered prior to marriage. That’s why it is such an invaluable addition to any pre-marital program. When a couple walks through the life altering divorce decision-making process, the concept of marital commitment takes on a new meaning. It also reinforces the importance of keeping their marriage strong by utilizing the techniques you offer in your pre-marital counseling.
This curriculum provides reality therapy focused on consequences when marital commitment is not kept in the forefront, resulting in divorce. The guidebook integrates the divorcing with children program and provides two additional sessions including a pre-divorce assessment and post-divorce session for final closure.
The guidebook includes a 60-day video subscription to the Online Sessions giving you a better understanding of how the program works along with education about the divorce process. You get the opportunity to reflect up the psychological and emotional perceptions clients may have as they complete the online sessions.
The pre-marital curriculum defines how to begin, understand the concept and overview of the session, what participants will learn, what to expect, discussion opportunities and a conclusion. There is sufficient material to support one or more sixty-minute therapy sessions.