Proclamation Signed Promoting Child-Centered Divorce Month

Divorcing with children proclamation

Mayor Mike Schmitz of Dothan, Alabama signed a proclamation recognizing International Child Centered Divorce Month as requested by Audrey Silcox, Founder of Divorce Tool Box. International Child-Centered Divorce month promotes awareness to place children’s needs first when reaching decisions related to divorce or separation. Divorce Tool Box founder and Certified Divorce and Family Mediator, Audrey Silcox, offers tips good…

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January is known as “Divorce Month” – Advice for those Filing for Divorce

Tips for those filing for divorce

Traditional resolutions are typically a welcome part of beginning a new year with focusing on new beginnings and self-improvement. One New Year’s resolution many make is that of unhappily-marrieds resolving in January to make this the year in which they cut their marital cords. Historically, the number of filings for divorce soar during this month, thus, January has been…

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