Divorce Tool Box founder will be an exhibitor and speaker at the Divorce Expo

Audrey Silcox, Founder of Divorce Tool Box

Divorce Tool Box founder, Audrey Silcox, an expert divorce coach who is also certified as a mediator in two state Supreme Courts, will be an interactive exhibitor and speaker at this weekend’s Divorce Expo in Detroit, Michigan. More than fifty top industry experts, along with more than 100 vendors and exhibitors, will gather at the Suburban Collection Showplace, on…

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A Mental Vacation from Divorce

Divorce process take mental vacation

Individuals often experience a rollercoaster of emotions during the divorce process. These emotions must be effectively managed in addition to juggling the challenges and new responsibilities of divorce. Due to increasing divorce demands both emotionally and physically that creates the daily emotional rollercoaster, the need to take a “mental vacation” may be necessary in order to maintain both physical…

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Divorce Through Grandparents Eyes

Planning for divorce keep grandparents involved with kids

Before the announcement of divorce, grandparents are often considered “GRAND” in every sense of the word, not only from their grandchildren but also from their adult child and in-law. “Grand” because all of the grand things that they do for their grandchildren and also for the family as a whole. Wonderful memories with grandparents are usually made at every…

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Tips for Self-Discovery After Divorce and Before Dating

Self discovery after divorce

When divorce is inevitable emotions seem to be on a constant emotional rollercoaster. During this time, not only our emotions seem to be affecting our daily life but now our sense of self-worth and esteem all play a part in our psyche as we detach from our mate to begin a life of our own. During my years of…

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Creative Tips for Single Life and Parenting after Divorce

Parenting after divorce and dating

Divorce brings many unique challenges that require creativity especially in the area of single parenting. The marital home is usually a safe haven for all family members that establishes security. After divorce, each family member must learn to work together while building a new home life. Often times, each parent will establish new daily routines which fit into their…

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Will Divorce Affect Your Children’s Spring Break Vacation?

Divorce with children and spring break

Spring vacations from school is welcomed by all ages as it is a friendly hello to spring and good-bye to winter.  It is a time when many families take a few days off from life’s everyday tasks to enjoy one another’s company and may even plan a small vacation.  Parents often set aside time to plan this welcome of…

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In-Laws or Out-Laws After Divorce

Divorce help with inlaws after divorce

After the marriage ceremony and the wedding bells have quietened, many realize that marriage is more than uniting with their spouse rather they have also gained an extended family.  Before you know it, all family members are attempting to build good relationships with one another and striving toward a happy future.  As the years of marriage go by, the…

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