Divorce Tool Box Offers 8 Tips to Effectively Co-Parent After Divorce

Child custody and divorce

Because January has been named International Child-Centered Divorce Month, Divorce Tool Box founder and Certified Divorce and Family Mediator Audrey Silcox offers 8 tips good for any month to help parents keep focused on their children before and after a divorce. Her extensive experience in high-conflict cases within the judicial system has shown that parents who do so are…

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Divorce Preparation

Prepare for divorce have a strategy

Preparation is essential when attempting to create a divorce proposal and agreement. Becoming knowledgeable and prepared to offer creative solutions for your divorce proposal and making informed decisions to better ensure the well-being of all family members is vital. When contemplating or experiencing divorce, emotions often feel as though they are on a moment to moment rollercoaster which makes…

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When Insecurity in Divorce is Too Much

Divorce tips dealing with insecurity

Divorce affects all family members as the family structure is changing and life adjustments are required resulting in questions and concerns. When life brings about so ma ny changes at once, insecurity of one’s life and future can become overwhelming. Insecurity can be defined different meanings by different people. Some may define it as self-doubt in one’s ability as…

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Divorce “Storm” Blows In As Filings Double In January

Divorce help new year filings

While traditional resolutions are typically a welcome part of beginning a new year, one New Year’s resolution that is “storming” many locations is that of unhappily-marrieds resolving in January to make this the year in which they cut the cord with their spouses. With the number of filings for divorces soaring during this month, January has been named the…

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Are the Children’s Best Interests Anywhere on the Radar Screen?

Divorce help keeping kids best interests

The decision to divorce when children are involved not only affect each spouse but also the children and will impact the present as well as the future for all family members. For many children, their parent’s decision to divorce will affect their life on a daily, weekly or bi-weekly manner. During divorce, children of all ages need their parents…

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Increasing Physical Exercise When Having Child Custody.

Kids and divorce staying healthy

Divorced parents who have custody of children are very busy meeting the children’s needs while single parenting. There are so many tasks to complete that it seems to not be enough time in a day to accomplish all of the daily requirements. The custodial parent can become exhausted with the additional tasks while making sure that the needs of…

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Three New Year’s Resolutions For Those Divorcing

Divorce help starting the new year

Facing divorce is stressful enough but when combined with the Christmas holiday season, it can become overwhelming. Divorce itself is stressful as emotions may seem to be on a daily rollercoaster, requiring life altering decisions to be made while the divorce process may seem to be creating life changes that are occurring much too fast. As the Christmas Holiday…

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