Struggling Economy Makes Attacks On Domestic Violence Victims

Divorce help and domestic violence

Divorce Tool Box aims to help divorcing domestic violence victims customize divorce and child custody proposals. With domestic violence laws being repelled and an increase rate of domestic violence brought on by struggling economy and budget cuts, a divorce coach and mediator can provide assistance before entering the legal arena. Congress passed the Violence Against Women Act in 1994…

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Enjoying Halloween and Harvest Festivals in the Midst of Divorce

Process of divorce around holidays

Goblins, candy, costumes, scary noises and laughter are all descriptions of Halloween night.  Many children love when the fall crisp air arrives and signs of pumpkins begin to appear neatly carved and arranged in front of homes to welcome fall and Halloween/Harvest Festivals.   Although the change of season is welcomed by many adults, problems may arise when divorced parents…

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Three Unhealthy Decisions Divorced Parents Make

Divorce process making healthy decisions

THE AMERICAN DREAM – Most everyone strives to achieve it. Who created the model describing the dream? Many who answer say it’s the economy, media, friends, family and other society factors which contribute to what the determining factors are for this dream. Everyone ranks the order differently but the result is usually the same. Nearly everyone envisions the white…

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Look Mommy I Colored In The Lines

Advice for divorcing with kids

Changes are inevitable for a couple as well as children following divorce. The everyday routine of the family often changes and parents are required to assume additional responsibilities that may limit time available to their children. Your children may feel as though they have been abandoned by the parent who does not have as much quality time available as…

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Reclaiming Control of Your Life After Divorce

Divorce tips for women reclaiming yourself

After a period of time when the parenting plan has been completed, marital property is divided, and the divorce decree has been signed, it’s now time to face life as a single and create your future. Life is filled with many uncertainties but now is the time that you must decide to face them with confidence in order to…

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Divorce – What’s Next?

Life after divorce whats next

It’s now the first day after the divorce agreement has been signed, parenting plan decisions completed and incorporated, assets and liabilities distributed, the tension of the sight of courtrooms and judges diminished and a sigh of relief that the divorce legalities have come to an end. Now, that the divorce process has been completed now what? This is the…

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