Divorce Tool Box Aims to Reduce Conflict and Stress Symptoms

Divorce help reduce stress

Divorce Tool Box aims to help divorcing couples resolve their conflicts before extended, highly-emotional legal battles can inflict such stress that violence and abuse result —which is known to involve spouses, ex-spouses, and their children. Incidents in Pittsburgh and Fort Lauderdale of violent attacks during or after divorce hearings, and a national study on child abuse and neglect demonstrate…

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Divorce Survival Kit for Parents of Teens

Divorce help for parents with teens

The word teenager creates a mental picture in itself for most parents. When a child reaches the magical teenage years, this can become a time of fun, creating self-identity and transitioning to become more independent. This transitioning can be described as becoming an independent person yet making sure that parents are at arm’s reach for needed security. When parents…

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Divorce Burial Plans

Dealing with grief after divorce

Any time a newspaper is opened, there is a section for obituary listings. The list includes the complete burial plan for each deceased individual which includes viewing and visitation time, memorial service date and time, cemetery for burial, etc. Although death of marriage ranks very high in the grief process, usually there is no ceremony planned for the death…

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What is a Divorce Coach?

Divorce tips hire a divorce coach

A divorce coach is an important component to navigate individuals through the perils of divorce by assisting to create customized proposals and assist with making informed decisions in a timely and cost effective manner. A divorce coach is trained to help one soar through the hurdles accompanied by divorce, guide one into personal self-growth to gain self-confidence to establish…

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Communication a Must in Divorce

Process of divorce using communication skills

Communication does not seem to be a factor when couples fall in love. There are many calls to say those three words…I Love You, special cards in the mail to express how each partner is feeling about the relationship and even tokens of love have written expressions of the tender feelings developing in the relationship. Communication is the key…

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Divorce Stress

Dealing with stress during divorce

No one knows the level of stress brought by divorce as well as those involved. Changes which accompany divorce create stress for the entire family and must be dealt with effectively. The following acronym identifies with the results of divorce. S………Stepping T………Towards R………Reality of E………Everyday life S………Since S………Separating from spouse When the actual separation moves form contemplating to actualization,…

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Divorce Brings Three Life Changes

Process of divorce and life changes

There are many changes involved in the process of divorce, and with each change comes financial burdens. There are three areas in one’s life that will most likely be affected by divorce and with each change; one must find resources to effectively handle the changes. 1. Role Changes: Listed below are roles which one mate or the other usually…

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Divorce Tool Box Streamlines the Divorce Process

Streamline the divorce process with divorce tool box

With the national divorce rate hovering around fifty percent, and because most divorces involve some sort of dispute, divorce has become a $28 billion dollar a year industry. The more time that must be spent between a divorcing couple’s legal representatives while aiming to resolve disputes in or outside of the courtroom, the more expensive a divorce becomes. And…

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Divorce and Grandparents

Process of divorce and grandparents rights

When divorce occurs, it affects not only the nuclear family but often affects the extended family. When couples fall in love and marry, often the couple’s parents are a large factor in the marriage. The parents may assist in decision making, offering money for the wedding and making sure that every item is attended to for the “big day”….

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Divorce Tool Box Remembers the September 11th Tragedy

September 11th rings a bell of memories for individuals across America. Almost anyone can tell you where they were when the tragedy occurred. America will forever hold dear the memories of the families that lost loved ones that day, the vivid scenes that unfolded across the world of news and the discussions that people across the world held. September…

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